React Native SDK

Changelog for the MapsIndoors React Native SDK. This document structure is based on Keep a Changelog and the project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.0.2] 2024-06-25


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.6

[2.0.1] 2024-06-20


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.6


  • Fixed issue where tiles would fade away, regardless of mapsindoorsTransitionLevel on Mapbox iOS

[2.0.0] 2024-06-19


  • Added new MPCameraViewFitMode.noneto disable camera movement, when changing legs on MPDirectionsRenderer

  • Added new properties to MPDisplayRule:

    • setLabelStyleGraphic sets a graphic label:

      • backgroundImage

      • stretchX

      • stretchY

      • content

    • getLabelStyleGraphic

    • set/getModel3DModel

    • set/getModel3DRotationX

    • set/getModel3DRotationY

    • set/getModel3DrotationZ

    • set/getModel3DScale

    • set/getModel3DZoomFrom

    • set/getModel3DZoomTo

    • set/isModel3DVisible

  • Added new methods on MapControl:

    • setHiddenFeatures set a list of MPFeatureType to be hidden from the map

    • getHiddenFeatures get a list of currently hidden MPFeatureType

    • setBuildingSelectionMode set a Selection mode for Buildings on the Map with MPSelectionMode (automatic or manual)

    • setFloorSelectionMode set a Selection mode for Floors on the Map with MPSelectionMode (automatic or manual)

    • getBuildingSelectionMode get the current selection mode on MapControl

    • getFloorSelectionMode get the current selection mode on MapControl

  • Added types: MPPOIType[] on MPSolution to get a list of types for the solution

  • Added setSelectable and isSelectable on MPLocation, MPPOIType and MPSolutionConfig

  • Added mapsIndoorsTransitionLevel?: number to MPMapConfig

    • Sets the zoom level at which the MapsIndoors data should show, instead of extruded buildings on Mapbox Maps. Can be set to 0, if extruded buildings should not show.

  • Added showMapMarkers?: boolean to MPMapConfig

    • Sets wether the Mapbox POI and Places markers hould be shown on the map. If left undefined, it follows the transition level.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.4

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.8.5

[1.3.2] 2024-06-07


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.5.1

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.8.4


  • Fixed issue where route would not be optimised on iOS when querying multi stop routes

  • Fixed issue where the first leg would not be animated on iOS

[1.3.1] 2024-05-31


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.4.1

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.8.3

[1.3.0] 2024-05-27


  • Added Support for Mutli-stop navigation

    • Added optional stops: MPPoint[] and optimize: boolean to MPDirectionsService.getRoute

    • Added setDefaultRouteStopIcon to MPDirectionsRenderer

    • Added optional stopIcons: Map<number, RouteStopIconConfig> to MPDirectionsRenderer.setRoute

    • Added MPRouteStopIconConfig for changing the look of the default stop icons

    • Added ordered_stop_indexes to MPRoute

    • Added legStartReason, legEndReason and stopIndex to MPRouteLeg


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.4.0

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.8.1

  • Updated Android Mapbox SDK to 10.17.1


  • Fixed zoom not being applied when changing camera with a MPCameraPosition on Mapbox iOS

[1.2.1] 2024-05-03


  • Upped the minimum version requirement for iOS to 14.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.3.9

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.6.0


  • Fixed an issue with the privacy manifest not allowing release of apps on app store


  • Fixes from updates to native SDKs

[1.2.0] 2024-04-29


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.3.9

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.6.0


  • New optional list of strings, with venue id's on load. For optional venue loading.

  • New methods to support optional venue loading.

    • addVenuesToSync(venues: string[])

    • removeVenuesToSync(venues: string[])

    • getSyncedVenues(): Promise<string[]>

  • The MapsIndoors iOS SDK now includes a Privacy Manifest as described by Apple in Upcoming third-party SDK requirements. This also includes an update to the Mapbox 10.17.0 that includes a fix to the privacy manifest of Mapbox.


  • Fixes from updates to native SDKs

[1.2.0] 2024-04-29


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.3.9

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.6.0


  • New optional list of strings, with venue id's on load. For optional venue loading.

  • New methods to support optional venue loading.

    • addVenuesToSync(venues: string[])

    • removeVenuesToSync(venues: string[])

    • getSyncedVenues(): Promise<string[]>

  • The MapsIndoors iOS SDK now includes a Privacy Manifest as described by Apple in Upcoming third-party SDK requirements. This also includes an update to the Mapbox 10.17.0 that includes a fix to the privacy manifest of Mapbox.


  • Fixes from updates to native SDKs

[1.1.0] 2024-02-15


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.3.2

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.3.1

  • New default rendering of selection. Can be reverted by changing isNewSelection to false


  • Exclude highway support

  • Select/highlight support with new DisplayRule settings

    • iconScale

    • iconPlacement

    • labelType

    • polygonLightnessFactor

    • wallLightnessFactor

    • extrusionLightnessFactor

    • labelStyleTextSize

    • labelStyleTextColor

    • labelStyleTextOpacity

    • labelStyleHaloOpacity

    • labelStyleHaloWidth

    • labelStyleHaloBlur

    • labelStyleBearing

    • badgeVisible

    • badgeZoomFrom

    • badgeZoomTo

    • badgeRadius

    • badgeStrokeWidth

    • badgeStrokeColor

    • badgeFillColor

    • badgePosition

  • Support for non-selectable locations

  • Support for flat labels


  • Issue where compass would not show up on Mapbox for iOS

  • Fixes from updates to native SDKs

[1.0.9] 2024-01-04


  • Issue where subsequent maps would not be able to draw a route on iOS

[1.0.8] 2023-12-19


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.13

  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.8

[1.0.7] 2023-12-08


  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.12


  • Improved camera padding behavior

[1.0.6] 2023-11-24


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.6

  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.10


  • Fixed case where tiles would not show up after loading the map on iOS

  • Fixed an issue with route legs missing geometries for steps on iOS

[1.0.4] 2023-10-08


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.3

  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.6

  • Changed setLabelOptions to have optional parameters


  • Fixed issue with showRouteLegButtons not working on iOS

[1.0.3] 2023-09-25


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.2.2

  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.5


  • Added support for hiding route leg buttons

  • Added support for setting label textsize, color and halo

[1.0.2] 2023-09-04


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.1.11

  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.4


  • Fixed issue with abutters on MPRouteStep missing on iOS

  • Fixed issue with highways on MPRouteStep missing on iOS

  • Fixed issue with HTML instructions and Manoeuvre contradicting each other on MPRoutestep



  • iOS now has working cameraEvents


  • Updated Android SDK to 4.1.10

  • Updated iOS SDK to 4.2.2


  • Fixed Crash when switching between legs of a route on iOS

  • Fixed Crash when calling animateCamera on iOS

  • Fixed Parsing issues on some geometries from native code


Last updated