Show User's Location aka. Blue Dot

In this tutorial we will show how you can show a blue dot on the map, representing the users location. The position will be served from a mocked positioning provider and displayed on a map in a view controller.

We will start by creating our implementation of a positioning provider.

Create a class MyPositionProvider that implements MPPositionProvider.

class MyPositionProvider: MPPositionProvider {

Add some member variables to MyPositionProvider.

  • delegate: The delegate object

  • running: A running state boolean flag

  • latestPosition: The latest positioning result

Create a method called updatePosition. This will be our "loop" constantly posting a new position to the delegate.

  • Check if the provider has a running state

  • Assign a new MPPositionResult to latestPosition

  • Assign a new position point

  • Optionally specify that heading is available and set a heading

  • Notify the delegate by calling onPositionUpdate passing the new position as argument

  • Schedule a new delayed call of this method

func updatePosition() {
    guard running else { return }

    latestPosition?.bearing = (latestPosition!.bearing + 10)
    latestPosition?.coordinate = generateRandomCoordinate()
    latestPosition?.bearing = Double.random(in: 0 ..< 360)
    latestPosition?.accuracy = Double.random(in: 0 ..< 10)

    if let delegate, let latestPosition {
        delegate.onPositionUpdate(position: latestPosition)

    Task { @MainActor [weak self] in
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
        guard let self else { return }


Implement the startPositioning method. We set the running boolean to true and call updatePos.

func startPositioning() {
    running = true

Implement the stopPositioning method. We set the running boolean to false.

func stopPositioning() {
    running = false

Create a view controller displaying a map that shows the user's "mocked" location

Create a class ShowMyLocationController that inherits from UIViewController.

class ShowMyLocationController: UIViewController {

Inside viewDidLoad or any method of your app's lifecycle, generate and apply a random position, you may optionally also override the default icon for blue dot

 if let validPosition = await getRandomLocation()?.position {
    let provider = MyPositionProvider(mockAt: validPosition)

    MPMapsIndoors.shared.positionProvider = provider
    mapControl?.showUserPosition = true


    // Optionally override the icon for the blue dot by supplying another image
    if let dr = MPMapsIndoors.shared.displayRuleFor(displayRuleType: .blueDot)
        dr.icon = UIImage(named: "MyOwnPositionIcon")

Inside viewDidLoad we

  • Tell mapControl to show the users location

  • Assign your position provider MyPositionProvider to MPMapsIndoors.shared.positionProvider and then finally,

  • Start positioning

Last updated

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