This is an example of creating a simple search experience using MapsIndoors. We will create a map with a search button that leads to another Fragment that handles the search and selection. On selection of a location, we go back to the map and shows the selected location on the map.
First create a Fragment or Activity with a map and MapsIndoors loaded.
We will create a Fragment that will contain a textInput field and a RecyclerView that will show a list of MPLocations received from the search.
class FullscreenSearchFragment : Fragment() {
As we will be using a RecyclerView we will need to create a RecyclerView Adapter to show our Location results. In this guide we will hijack the Adapter from the Template app:
class MPSearchItemRecyclerViewAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<MPSearchItemRecyclerViewAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
private var mLocations: List<MPLocation> = ArrayList()
private lateinit var context: Context
private var mOnLocationSelectedListener: OnLocationSelectedListener? = null
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
context = parent.context
return ViewHolder(FragmentSearchItemBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false))
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val item = mLocations[position]
var iconUrl = getTypeIcon(item)
iconUrl?.let {
MapsIndoors.getImageProvider().loadImageAsync(it) { bitmap, error ->
if (bitmap != null && error == null) {
holder.nameView.text =
if (item.floorName != null && item.buildingName != null) {
val buildingName = MapsIndoors.getBuildings()?.getBuilding(item.point.latLng)?.name
if (buildingName != null) {
holder.subTextView.text = "Floor: " + item.floorName + " - " + buildingName
}else {
holder.subTextView.text = "Floor: " + item.floorName + " - " + item.buildingName
}else {
holder.subTextView.visibility = View.GONE
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
if (mOnLocationSelectedListener != null) {
private fun getTypeIcon(mpLocation: MPLocation): String? {
MapsIndoors.getSolution()?.let {
it.types?.forEach { type ->
if (mpLocation.type?.equals(, true) == true) {
return type.icon
return null
fun setOnLocationSelectedListener(onLocationSelectedListener: OnLocationSelectedListener) {
mOnLocationSelectedListener = onLocationSelectedListener
override fun getItemCount(): Int = mLocations.size
fun setLocations(locations: List<MPLocation>) {
mLocations = locations;
fun clear() {
mLocations = ArrayList()
inner class ViewHolder(binding: FragmentSearchItemBinding) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
val icon: ImageView = binding.locationIconView
val nameView: TextView = binding.locationName
val subTextView: TextView = binding.locationSubtext
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString() + " '" + subTextView.text + "'"
Setup member variables for FullscreenSearchFragment:
A RecyclerView to contain the locations
The Adapter and LayoutManager for the RecyclerView
Some view components
private lateinit var mRecyclerView: RecyclerView
private lateinit var mLinearLayoutManager: LinearLayoutManager
private val mAdapter: MPSearchItemRecyclerViewAdapter = MPSearchItemRecyclerViewAdapter()
private lateinit var searchInputTextView: TextInputEditText
private var searchHandler: Handler? = null
Init and setup the view components to handle searching inside the onViewCreated
searchInputTextView = binding.searchInputEditText
val imm = requireActivity().getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
searchInputTextView.addTextChangedListener {
searchHandler = Handler(Looper.myLooper()!!)
searchHandler!!.postDelayed(searchRunner, 1000)
searchInputTextView.setOnEditorActionListener { textView, i, keyEvent ->
if (i == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE || i == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH) {
if (textView.text.isNotEmpty()) {
//Making sure keyboard is closed.
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(textView.windowToken, 0)
return@setOnEditorActionListener true
return@setOnEditorActionListener false
create a Runnable to execute a search
private val searchRunner: Runnable = Runnable {
val text = searchInputTextView.text
if (text?.length!! >= 2) {
Add a listener to the Adapter for when a user selects a location, to navigate back to the map and show the selected location. Here we use navigation together with a bundle to tell the other fragment of the selected location
See the sample in FullscreenSearchFragment.kt Now we will implement the FullscreenSearchFragment together with our Fragment or Activity containing a MapsIndoors Map. Add a Button to open the FullscreenSearchFragment inside your Activity or Fragment view and a assign a Click listener to it.
Create the openSearchFragment method to navigate to the FullScreenSearchFragment
private fun openSearchFragment() {
val navController = findNavController()
Finally create a way to handle the selected location when a user is navigated to your fragment again. How this example is set up the Map will be reloaded when navigated to it. Therefor we will handle the selection after MapControl is created.
MapControl.create(mapConfig) { mapControl: MapControl?, miError: MIError? ->
mMapControl = mapControl
//Enable Live Data on the map
if (miError == null) {
var locationId = arguments?.get("locationId") as String?
if (locationId != null) {
mMapControl?.selectLocation(locationId, MPSelectionBehavior.DEFAULT)
}else {
//No errors so getting the first venue (in the white house solution the only one)
val venue = MapsIndoors.getVenues()?.defaultVenue
activity?.runOnUiThread {
if (venue != null) {
//Animates the camera to fit the new venue