Getting Directions

Now we have a simple map where you can search for locations. When finishing this step you'll be able to create a directions between two points and change the transportation mode.

Get Directions Between Two Locations

After having created our list of search results, we have a good starting point for creating directions between two Locations. Since our search only supports searching for a single location, we will hardcode a Location's coordinate into our app, and use that as the basis for our Origin. Then we'll create a route, show the navigation details, and display the route on the map.

We have already created a point in the basic example, called _userPosition to use as a starting point for directions on MapState. The position given with the example is for the main entrance to the White House, replace it with some location that fits your usecase.

final _userPosition = MPPoint.withCoordinates(
    longitude: -77.03740973527613,
    latitude: 38.897389429704695,
    floorIndex: 0);

We can extend the search functionality we made earlier by implementing the onLocationSelected listener on the MapsIndoorsWidget, and showing the selected location's details on the bottom sheet:

void onMapControlReady(MPError? error) async {
  if (error == null) {
    // Add a listener for location selection events, we do not want to stop the SDK from moving the camera, so we do not comsume the event
      ..setOnLocationSelectedListener(onLocationSelected, false)
      ..goTo(await getDefaultVenue());
  } else {

and implementing the onLocationSelected listener:

void onLocationSelected(MPLocation? location) {
  // if no location is selected, close the sheet
  if (location == null) {
    _controller = null;
  // show location details
  _controller = _scaffoldKey.currentState?.showBottomSheet((context) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.white,
      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 50.0, left: 100, right: 100),
      child: Column(
        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
        children: [
          const SizedBox(
            height: 30,
          const SizedBox(
            height: 30,
          Text("Description: ${location.description}"),
          const SizedBox(
            height: 30,
          Text("Building: ${location.buildingName} - ${location.floorName}"),
          const SizedBox(
            height: 30,
  _controller?.closed.then((value) => _mapControl.selectLocation(null));

Now we will create a class that takes a origin and destination and can handle the controls of a route. This is a rather complex class that creates a route, lets us traverse it without errors and displays the steps of the route in the bottom sheet. A minimal example would only require the constructor, the leg selected listener and the UI.

First lets set up the constructor and services, we want to create the RouteHandler with an origin, destination and the state of our Scaffold (to create a bottom sheet later). We will also set up our MPDirectionsService and MPDirectionsRenderer and generate a route immediately. finally we show the route on the Renderer.

class RouteHandler {
      {required MPPoint origin,
      required MPPoint destination,
      required ScaffoldState scaffold}) {
    _service.getRoute(origin: origin, destination: destination).then((route) {
      _route = route;
      // Start some UI handling here later
  final _service = MPDirectionsService();
  final _renderer = MPDirectionsRenderer();
  late final MPRoute _route;

Now we want some controllers for the state of our route, we want a method to safely update the leg index, we want to listen to when the leg index changes and we want to be able to remove the route again. First we add a onLegSelectedListener to the class and set it on the renderer. Then we add a getter/setter for the current leg index, where we ensure that we cannot get an index that is out of bounds for the current route. and finally we add a removeRoute method that clears the route from the map.

class RouteHandler {
      {required MPPoint origin,
      required MPPoint destination,
      required ScaffoldState scaffold}) {
    _service.getRoute(origin: origin, destination: destination).then((route) {
      // Start some UI handling here later


  // backing field for the current route leg index
  int _currentIndex = 0;

  int get currentIndex {
    return _currentIndex;

  // clamp the index to be in the correct range
  set currentIndex(int index) {
    _currentIndex = index.clamp(0, _route.legs!.length - 1);

  // updates the state of the routehandler if the route is updated externally, eg. by tapping the next marker on the route
  void onLegSelected(int legIndex) {
    _controller?.setState!(() => currentIndex = legIndex);

  // external handle to clear the route
  void removeRoute() {

Finally we want some UI interaction, so we add a ShowRoute method that creates a BottomSheet which contains some navigation icons, to move between legs of the route, and a text field to display the steps of the current leg. We also add a method to expand the route steps in a way that we can show the leg in a single string.

Then we call showRoute from our constructor. Additionally we close the BottomSheet when removing the map.

class RouteHandler {
      {required MPPoint origin,
      required MPPoint destination,
      required ScaffoldState scaffold}) {
    _service.getRoute(origin: origin, destination: destination).then((route) {
  PersistentBottomSheetController? _controller;


  // opens the route on a bottom sheet
  void showRoute(ScaffoldState scaffold) {
    _controller = scaffold.showBottomSheet((context) {
      return Container(
        color: Colors.white,
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 50.0, bottom: 50.0),
        child: Row(
          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
          children: [
            // goes a step back on the route
              onPressed: () async {
                await _renderer.selectLegIndex(currentIndex);
              icon: const Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_left),
              iconSize: 50,
            // displays the route instructions
              child: Text(
                softWrap: true,
            // goes a step forward on the route
              onPressed: () async {
                await _renderer.selectLegIndex(currentIndex);
              icon: const Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_right),
              iconSize: 50,
    // if the bottom sheet is closed, then clear the route
    _controller?.closed.then((val) {

  // external handle to clear the route
  void removeRoute() {

  // expands the step instructions into a single string for the entire leg
  String expandRouteSteps(List<MPRouteStep> steps) {
    String sum = "${steps[0].maneuver}";
    for (final step in steps.skip(1)) {
      sum += ", ${step.maneuver}";
    return sum;

With this we now have a class that will handle creating a Route and displaying it on the map for us. You can see the entire implementation of RouteHandler here: main.dart

We can now add a button on our onLocationSelected bottomsheet to generate a route from _userPosition to the selected location:

final _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
RouteHandler? _routeHandler;
PersistentBottomSheetController? _controller;

void onLocationSelected(MPLocation? location) {
  // if an active route is displayed, remove it from view
  // show location details
  _controller = _scaffoldKey.currentState?.showBottomSheet((context) {
    return Container(
      child: Column(
        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
        children: [
          // when clicked will create a route from the user position to the location
            onPressed: () => _routeHandler = RouteHandler(
                origin: _userPosition,
                destination: location.point,
                scaffold: _scaffoldKey.currentState!),
            child: const Row(
              children: [
                  width: 5,
  _controller?.closed.then((value) => _mapControl.selectLocation(null));

We can now show and navigate a route from our _userPosition to a selected location.

Change Transportation Mode

In MapsIndoors, the transportation mode is referred to as travel mode. There are four travel modes, walking, bicycling, driving and transit (public transportation). The travel modes generally applies for outdoor navigation. Indoor navigation calculations are based on walking travel mode.

To swap Travel Modes you set the Travel Mode before making a query for the route:

    {required MPPoint origin,
    required MPPoint destination,
    required ScaffoldState scaffold}) {
  _service.getRoute(origin: origin, destination: destination).then((route) {
    _route = route;

Expected result:

The accompanying UI and implementation of this directions experience can be found in the getting started app sample. Getting Started App sample

Last updated

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