
MapsIndoors Auth is handled in two ways:

  • API keys - This is how apps built on top of the SDKs are authorized by default,

  • MapsIndoors Auth server - This is how the MapsIndoors CMS authorizes, as well as apps to access secured solutions.

The MapsIndoors Auth server is located at - including SSO page and OIDC metadata. The server is an IdentityServer4 implementation - with support for OAauth 2 and OIDC protocols.

It stores all users that are managed through the MapsIndoors CMS, as well as configurations for authentication providers. Based on these users and authentication providers, it can authenticate and authorize users in order to access the MapsIndoors CMS and secured MapsIndoors solutions.

This guide covers the different aspects of user authentication and authorization in the MapsIndoors JavaScript SDK.

Usually, access to the services behind the MapsIndoors SDK is restricted with API keys. However, as an additional layer of security and control, access can be restricted to users of a specific tenant. A MapsIndoors dataset can only be subject to user authentication and authorization if integration with an identity provider exists. Current examples of such identity providers are Google and Microsoft. These providers and more can be added and integrated to your MapsIndoors project by request.

We recommend using a library such as AppAuth to handle verification and response to get a token to use in the MapsIndoors SDK.

If you are looking for documentation on Android SDK v3, please see here.

In order to utilize an OAuth2 login flow for your MapsIndoors project, you will need to provide some details to the OAuth2 client, like the issuer URL, client id, scopes and possibly a preferred identity provider if there are more than one option. These details can be fetched using MapsIndoors.getAuthenticationDetails

This can be called from MapsIndoors like this:

MapsIndoors.getAuthenticationDetails("apikey", authDetails -> {
    //Check if authdetails is not null and auth is required for the api
    if (authDetails != null && authDetails.isAuthRequired) {
        //Through the authDetails you can retrieve the necessary data to create a auth request. Here is an example through the appAuth library
        AuthorizationServiceConfiguration.fetchFromIssuer(Uri.parse(authDetails.getAuthIssuer()), (serviceConfiguration, ex) -> {
            if (serviceConfiguration != null) {
                authorizationRequest = new AuthorizationRequest.Builder(serviceConfiguration, authDetails.getAuthClients().get(0).getClientId(), ResponseTypeValues.CODE, Uri.parse("redirectUri"))
                            .setAdditionalParameters(Collections.singletonMap("acr_values", "idp:" + authDetails.getAuthClients().get(0).getPreferredIDPs().get(0)))
                            .setScope("openid profile account client-apis").build();
                authorizationService = new AuthorizationService(this);
                Intent authIntent = authorizationService.getAuthorizationRequestIntent(authorizationRequest);

You will also need to provide a redirect url, but this is not provided by MapsIndoors. The callback url may be a Android app link.

Note that the redirect link must be known to MapsIndoors and white-listed for your identity provider integration. You must inform us about all the links that you need for your application, both for development and production use so they can be white-listed.

After you have made the request if using the library you will have to react on the recieved intent from the user logging in.

With that you response you will create the token exchange request. The token exchange request will respond with a token if succesful that can be set through the MapsIndoors class by calling setAuthToken. The set access token is used by the MapsIndoors SDK, for remaining lifespan of the SDK. If the SDK is initialized again, a token will need to be set again.

//Continuing the example of using the appAuth library together with MapsIndoors
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
    final Uri data = intent.getData();
    AuthorizationResponse authorizationResponse = new AuthorizationResponse.Builder(authorizationRequest).fromUri(data).build();
    authorizationService.performTokenRequest(authorizationResponse.createTokenExchangeRequest(), (response, ex1) -> {
        if (response != null) {
            if (response.accessToken != null) {

You can now validate that you have set up the token correctly by calling MPApiKeyValidatorService.checkAuthToken with your solution key like this:

private void checkApiKeyValidityAndInitializeSDK() {
    MPApiKeyValidatorService.checkAuthToken("apikey", error -> {
        if (error != null) {
            //An error happened, authentication was not succesful.
        }else {
            //You have now succesfully gotten access to a solution that requires authentication
            MapsIndoors.load(getApplicationContext(), "apikey", null);

The SDK will ensure all subsequent performed data requests will include the set access token.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the Booking service. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

The above login flow is executed by the SDK if authentication is needed.

The SDK will then make sure that all requests for data are performed using this access token.

For a full example, please see here.

Note that the access token obtained from a MapsIndoors Single Sign-on flow cannot be used as access token for the Booking Service. Single Sign-on access tokens are issued by MapsIndoors and not the underlying tenant. You need to login directly on your Booking tenant to get an access token that can be used for working with the Booking Service as an authenticated user.

Last updated

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