Display Rules in Practice
Android v4
here are two ways to change the appearance of the map content in MapsIndoors and Google Maps.
Using Display Rules
Using Google Maps styling (or Mapbox for Android and Web)
Each has its own purpose which will be explained below.
To get an overview of what Display Rules are and can be used for, read the Display Rules page first.
Style the Map using Display Rules
In the MapsIndoors CMS you can set display rules for the different types of locations in your MapsIndoors content. The changes you make in the CMS will take effect whenever your app reboots or when you call MapsIndoors.synchroniseContent()
within the app session.
A Display Rule encapsulates both what, how and when a Location should be displayed on the map. A Location is presented on the map using a combination of icon, text and polygon. Each of these can appear at different, independent ranges of zoom-levels. For example a venue can appear as a marker-icon on low zoom-levels, when zooming in the venue name can appear, and zooming even more in the venue polygon can appear.
In some cases, you may also want to programmatically set display rules that define when and how to show a location. Display rules are defined in a Display Rule object. These Display Rule objects are tied to a solution, and can be modified at runtime.
You can modify display rules programatically in multiple ways depending on your use case:
You can set display rules programatically in multiple ways depending on your use case:
Modify the Display Rule for the Selected Location
Modify the Display Rule for the Building outline
Modify a Display Rule for a type of Location
Modify a Display Rule for a specific Location
Modify the Display Rule for the Selected Location
When a Location is selected, this Location is highlighted using the Display Rule name found through MPSolutionDisplayRule.SELECTION
. You can change the values of the Display Rule like any other DisplayRule.
Setting Display Rule for a Type
To set new display rules for a type of Location, you need to know the types of Locations in your Location dataset, so you may look these up in the CMS. The types can also be retrieved in code with getSolution()
. The type objects can be read from getTypes()
. You can then retrieve the Display Rule and modify it through MapsIndoors.getDisplayRule(String name)
Setting a display rule for a type will only apply to the single instance of MapControl
Setting Display Rule for a Single and Multiple Locations
To set new display rules for a single Location, you need to have the Location at hand. Locations can be fetched using getLocationById
or searched for through getLocationsAsync
. Once you have a location, you can modify the display rule for it.
For multiple Locations, you fetch a list of Locations using getLocationsAsync
Presenting Locations Using Polygons
To present a polygon, either configure the Display Rule using the CMS, or configure a Display Rule programatically:
Style the Map using Google Maps Styling
Further documentation on the Google Maps styling can be found here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-sdk/styling
MapsIndoors is built on top of Google Maps or Mapbox which has its own way of styling the map. Google Maps styling will only affect the MapsIndoors map if Google Maps has Points of Interest placed inside or near the buildings that you build a MapsIndoors solution for. The MapsIndoors styling applies a Google Maps styling that hides most POI icons that may collide with MapsIndoors content. This can be turned on and off through the MPMapConfig
You can apply your own styling to Google Maps using googleMap.setMapStyle
The JSON string that you apply in this case can be built using the Google Maps Styling Wizard. Read more about styling the Google Map in the Google Maps Android SDK Docs.
Style the Map using Mapbox Styling
Further documentation on the Mapbox styling can be found here: https://docs.mapbox.com/android/maps/guides/styles/set-a-style/
When styling the map in Mapbox make sure to add the style on the map before creating MapControl. The style needs to be applied first, to ensure you can add layers onto it to show MapsIndoors data on the map.
Last updated
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