Display Language

The language of MapsIndoors is independent of the chosen language on the device on which the app is used. This means that you need to explicitly tell MapsIndoors which language to use.

If you do not specify a language, MapsIndoors will show information in the default language defined in the MapsIndoors CMS. Likewise, if you specify a language that is not supported, MapsIndoors will also show information in the default language.

Additionally, aside from methods mentioned here, you can provide translations via the standard method for your device, such as using individual localized strings.

Configuring POI translations in CMS

To provide multiple languages for items in the MapsIndoors CMS, such as "Meeting Room" or "Restroom", the translation must be provided by the user in the CMS. A translation can be provided in any language. In order to add support for additional languages that we currently do not support, please contact your MapsIndoors representative, and we will enable you to add translations in your desired language.

Once your language of choice has been created, you can add the translation by clicking on any POI, which will open a menu on the left side of the screen. Here, you will see the following menu point, where you can enter translations for the languages you wish. If a field is left empty, the fallback language is English. In the example below, English (en) and Danish (da) are the enabled languages.

Use Fixed Language

The MapsIndoors language can be fixed to a specific language by supplying an ISO 639-1 language code, for example French:


Use Device Language

The MapsIndoors language can be aligned with the device language by supplying the current language code of the device:

String languageCode = getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0).getLanguage();

Translate HTML instructions on directions.

When requesting routes from MapsIndoors at the moment only external routes are translated into the current language set on MapsIndoors. The internal routes are always returned in english. Here is an example of how to achieve translated HTML instructions on internal routes.

First add strings that corresponds to the directions received from HTML instructions on the route, to the Application resources res/values/strings.xml:

    <string name="direction_right">Turn right</string>
    <string name="direction_left">Turn left</string>
    <string name="direction_straight">Continue straight ahead</string>
    <string name="direction_slightly_right">Turn slight right</string>
    <string name="direction_slightly_left">Turn slight left</string>
    <string name="direction_sharp_right">Turn sharp right</string>
    <string name="direction_sharp_left">Turn sharp left</string>
    <string name="direction_make_uturn">Turn around</string>
    <string name="direction_elevator">Take elevator to %1$s</string>
    <string name="direction_stairs">Take stairs to %1$s</string>

Now inside the code where you handle the MPRoute route response you can create a method to receive the translated instruction.

void setupNames() {
    directionNames.put("Turn left", res.getString(R.string.direction_left));
    directionNames.put("Turn slight left", res.getString(R.string.direction_slightly_left));
    directionNames.put("Turn sharp left", res.getString(R.string.direction_sharp_left));
    directionNames.put("Turn right", res.getString(R.string.direction_right));
    directionNames.put("Turn slight right", res.getString(R.string.direction_slightly_right));
    directionNames.put("Turn sharp right", res.getString(R.string.direction_sharp_right));
    directionNames.put("Continue straight ahead", res.getString(R.string.direction_straight));
    directionNames.put("Turn around", res.getString(R.string.direction_make_uturn_right));

    travelModeNames.put(MPTravelMode.VEHICLE_WALKING, res.getString(R.string.travel_mode_walking));
    travelModeNames.put(MPTravelMode.VEHICLE_BICYCLING, res.getString(R.string.travel_mode_bicycling));
    travelModeNames.put(MPTravelMode.VEHICLE_TRANSIT, res.getString(R.string.travel_mode_transit));
    travelModeNames.put(MPTravelMode.VEHICLE_DRIVING, res.getString(R.string.travel_mode_driving));

String getInstructionFromStep(@NonNull MPRouteStep routeStep) {
    String instruction = routeStep.getHtmlInstructions();
    //Check if route step is a step or elevator as they have floor level specific instruction
    if (routeStep.getHighway().equals("steps")) {
        instruction = getResources().getString(R.string.direction_stairs, routeStep.getEndFloorName());
    } else if (routeStep.getHighway().equals("elevator")) {
        instruction = getResources().getString(R.string.direction_elevator, routeStep.getEndFloorName());
    } else if (directionNames.containsKey(routeStep.getHtmlInstructions())){
        instruction = directionNames.get(routeStep.getHtmlInstructions());

    return instruction;

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