In this tutorial we will show how you can build a custom Location Source, representing locations of robot vacuums. The robots locations will be served from a mocked list and displayed on a map.
We will start by creating our implementation of a location source.
Create the class RobotVacuumLocationSource that implements MPLocationSource:
Implement the methods from MPLocationSource and extend the constructor of the RobotVacuumLocationSource to accept a list of locations that will represent the Robot vacuums.
class RobotVacuumLocationSource(private val robots: ArrayList<MPLocation>): MPLocationSource {
private val mObservers = ArrayList<MPLocationsObserver>()
private var mStatus = MPLocationSourceStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED
override fun getLocations(): MutableList<MPLocation> {
return robots
override fun addLocationsObserver(observer: MPLocationsObserver?) {
if (observer != null) {
override fun removeLocationsObserver(observer: MPLocationsObserver?) {
if (observer != null) {
private fun notifyUpdateLocations() {
for (observer in mObservers) {
observer.onLocationsUpdated(robots, this)
override fun getStatus(): MPLocationSourceStatus {
return mStatus
override fun getSourceId(): Int {
return 10101010
override fun clearCache() {
override fun terminate() {
Create a Fragment or Activity that contains a map with MapsIndoors loaded.
Add a BASE_POSITION MPLatLng that will be used to calculate a random location for the Robot Vacuums.
private val BASE_POSITION = MPLatLng(57.0582502, 9.9504788)
Then we need to add some variables:
private var baseDisplayRule: WeakReference<MPDisplayRule?>? = null
private var robotDisplayRule: MPDisplayRule? = null
private var mLocations: ArrayList<MPLocation>? = null
private var mRobotVacuumLocationSource: RobotVacuumLocationSource? = null
Create the baseDisplayRule after MapsIndoors has loaded:
create a method to setup the RobotVacuumLocationSource inside your fragment:
private fun setupLocationSource() {
if (mLocations == null) {
val locationSource = RobotVacuumLocationSource(mLocations!!)
MapsIndoors.addLocationSources(Collections.singletonList(locationSource) as List<MPLocationSource>) {
As seen in the example above we add the RobotVacuumLocationSource through MapsIndoors.addLocationSources and call RobotVacuumLocationSource.setup()
This method sets the status to of the source to available and notifies MapsIndoors that locations are updated.
fun setup() {
status = MPLocationSourceStatus.AVAILABLE
fun setStatus(status: MPLocationSourceStatus) {
mStatus = status
for (observer in mObservers) {
observer.onStatusChanged(mStatus, this)
In the setupLocationSource method we call generateLocations to populate the location list with new locations:
private fun generateLocations() {
mLocations = ArrayList()
for (i in 0..15) {
val robotName = "vacuum$i"
val startPosition = getRandomPosition()
val charge = nextInt(1, 100)
val floorIndex = nextInt(4) * 10
var mpLocation = MPLocation.Builder(robotName)
.setPosition(, startPosition.lng)
robotDisplayRule = MPDisplayRule(robotName, baseDisplayRule!!)
robotDisplayRule?.isVisible = true
if (charge >= 60) {
robotDisplayRule?.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_robo_vacuum, Color.GREEN)
}else if (charge >= 30) {
robotDisplayRule?.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_robo_vacuum, Color.YELLOW)
}else {
robotDisplayRule?.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_baseline_robo_vacuum, Color.RED)
MapsIndoors.addDisplayRuleForLocation(mpLocation, robotDisplayRule!!)
private fun getRandomPosition(): MPLatLng {
val lat: Double = + (-4 + nextInt(20)) * 0.000005
val lng: Double = BASE_POSITION.lng + (-4 + nextInt(20)) * 0.000010
return MPLatLng(lat, lng)
Create the startUpdatingPositions method that calls updateLocations every second: