
iOS Version Requirements

MapsIndoors iOS SDK v4 requires at least iOS 14 and Xcode 15.

[4.9.3] 2025-02-14


  • Resolved a number of internal memory issues, potentially causing leaks and crashes over time.

  • Fixed issue with offline caching not working as intended.

  • Fixed issue with large memory usage for solutions with many 2D models.


  • Updated Mapbox to 11.9.1

[4.9.2] 2025-01-29


  • MapsIndoors can again show the map without network connectivity, as long as the MapsIndoors data has been downloaded in a previous session.

[4.9.1] 2025-01-21


  • Fixed missing camera behavior when using setHighlight methods on MPMapControl.

  • Fixed issue with maxZoom on the behavior not being respected when selecting a location using select(location: MPLocation?, behavior: MPSelectionBehavior) on MPMapControl.

[4.9.0] 2025-01-14


  • Issue with 2D models not scaling correctly, resulting in images overflowing their intended geometry.

  • Issue with the map not updating automatically, to correctly reflect changes when multiple display rules are mutated quickly.


  • Added interface for querying the MapsIndoors Distance Matrix. Use the new method distanceMatrix on MPDirectionsService, with required parameters to find the estimated distance and travel time between a set of origin and destination points. This only works within singular MapsIndoors venues with a navigation graph.

  • Added automatedZoomLimit to MPSolutionConfig. If set, this decides the limits for how far default camera movements made by the SDK can zoom in. E.g. if set to 18, selecting POIs on the map, no longer zooms the camera any further than 18. It is still possible to zoom further in manually.

  • Added maxZoom property to MPMapBehavior, MPFilterBehavior, MPSelectionBehavior and MPHighlightBehavior - used to configure the expected behavior of various MapControl features. The maxZoom properties defaults to Double.nan, and will be ignored if nan.

[4.8.3] 2025-01-08


  • Fixed momentary excessive memory usage, sometimes experienced on maps with many 2D models.

  • Fixed problem with 2D models not being clickable on Mapbox.

  • Corrected positional alignment of the Mapbox and Mapspeople attributions.


  • Added useMapsIndoorsStyle(value: Bool) to MPMapConfig for Mapbox users. The value defaults to true, but if set to false then MapsIndoors will not attempt to apply the default MapsIndoors style to the Mapbox map. This enables you to use any Mapbox style with MapsIndoors.

[4.8.1] 2024-12-20


  • Fixed bug where 2D models could sometimes be shown with the wrong dimensions, across certain zoom levels on Mapbox.

  • Fixed bug where the tiles would flash on Google Maps, when any location was selected.

  • Fixed memory leaks affecting instances of MPMapControl, MPMapboxProvider and MPDisplayRule.

  • Fixed crashes, prone to happen when loading different MapsIndoors solutions in rapid succession.

[4.8.0] 2024-12-03


  • Improved ability to handle large solutions with many buildings and locations while using less memory.

  • Improved performance of loading solutions. Depending on the size and complexity of the solution, the loading time can be reduced by between 10% and 50%.

  • (MapsIndoorsMapbox only) Rendering of maps with many items are now more performant, both in terms of memory usage and speed, giving a smoother user experience.

[4.7.0] 2024-11-25


  • labelStylePosition added to DisplayRules. With this attribute it is possible to decide where the label is placed in relation to the icon. Possible values are defined in MPLabelPosition as .right, .left, .top and .bottom. Prior to this labels have been shown to the right of the icon (corresponding to MPLabelPosition.right); the new default is MPLabelPosition.bottom to align across all MapsIndoors platforms, as the label positioning can now be set oin the MapsIndoors CMS.


  • New default positioning of labels relative to the icon is MPLabelPosition.bottom. If you want to keep the previous default of MPLabelPosition.right you can place the following line in your code after loading the MapsIndoors data with MPMapsIndoors.shared.load(apiKey:): MPMapsIndoors.shared.displayRuleFor(displayRuleType: .main).labelStylePosition = .right.

[4.6.3] 2024-11-15


  • LatLngBoundsConverter had gone missing from MapsIndoorsGoogleMaps. It has been found and put in its proper place.

  • Removed a potential crash affecting the React Native module and Flutter plugin on iOS when using a custom floor selector.


  • Updated to Mapbox Maps 11.7.0

[4.6.2] 2024-10-30


  • A segmentation fault, likely to happen during loading of a solution.

[4.6.1] 2024-10-15


  • The MapsIndoorsGoogleMaps CocoaPod now correctly specifies Google Maps as a static framework dependency.

[4.6.0] 2024-10-04



  • When installing MapsIndoors via CocoaPods the post_install modification is no longer needed, so that should be removed.

  • Updated to Mapbox Maps 11.6.0


  • The default floor selector receives fewer callbacks fo when to hide and show.

  • A rare issue of MPMapsIndoors.share.load() not returning or throwing an error.

  • Applying a MapsIndoors map style would not work – until now.

[4.5.15] 2024-09-11


  • Tiles will update correctly on floor changes.

[4.5.14] 2024-09-11


  • Routes now tell correct distance and duration instead of 0.

  • Initial rendering of the map now happens consistently, as does showing initial floor selector.

[4.5.13] 2024-08-29


  • Custom Floor Selectors are now properly informed about when to hide.

  • Removed many unnecessary map redraws.


  • Changes to Display Rule properties are now applied to the map without needing to call refresh() explicitly.

[4.5.12] 2024-08-20


  • Flickering renders at high zoom levels when using Mapbox Maps is now gone.

  • Some camera events would not always be sent when using Mapbox 11; they do now.


  • Updated to Mapbox 10.18.2 and 11.5.2.

[4.5.11] 2024-08-01


  • Fixed issue where MapsIndoors modules would not be reflected correctly on the map, when loading different solutions with the same MPMapControl instance.

[4.5.10] 2024-07-30


  • Fixed issue where no MapsIndoors content may not appear on the Mapbox (v11) map.

  • Fixed issue with localized strings used by MPDirectionsRenderer would not work as intended.

    • You can localize the text appearing in the route markers by providing localized strings in your application, for the following keys:

      • "miDirectionsEnter"

      • "miDirectionsExit"

      • "miDirectionsPark"

      • "miDirectionsLevel"

      • "miDirectionsNext"

[4.5.9] 2024-07-25


  • Improved rendering performance slightly, both on Google Maps and Mapbox (v11).

  • Issue with with Mapbox console logs indicating missing images.

  • Crash caused by rapid mutation of any given location's position.

[4.5.8] 2024-07-08


  • Issue with viewport calculation, sometimes leading to map content disappearing despite being in view (Only affects Mapbox v10 users).

  • Issue with the selected location on MPMapControl would not always be reflected on the map, unless refresh() was invoked manually.

[4.5.7] 2024-06-21


  • Issue with camera position changes would not reliably trigger an update of the drawn map content. Only affects Mapbox v11 users.

[4.5.6] 2024-06-20


  • Issue with the set transition level not being respected on the MapsIndoors tiles when using MPMapConfig.setMapsIndoorsTransitionLevel(zoom: ...). Only affects Mapbox v11 users.

[4.5.5] 2024-06-14


  • Improved the consistency in the map's rendered state - whereas before, some camera movement would be needed to show the correct map state.

[4.5.4] 2024-06-13


  • Potential crash when showing a map multiple times with new MPMapControl instances.

[4.5.3] 2024-06-12


  • onLegSelected(legIndex: Int) method to the MPDirectionsRendererDelegate

  • setShowMapMarkers(show: Bool) and setShowRoadLabels(show: Bool) to MPMapConfig for Mapbox v11 users. Use these handles to toggle Mapbox POI and road labels.


  • Retention cycle between instances of MPMapControl and the underlying Mapbox or Google Maps view instance, causing significant memory leaks.

  • Problem with changing floor, while having a route shown by the directions renderer.


  • Due to the fixed memory retention cycle issue mentioned above, it is now advisable to retain a strong reference to both the map view (Google or Mapbox) and MPMapControl instacnce, while they are relevant in your code.

[4.5.2] 2024-06-11


  • Label styling is now respected, both on Google Maps and Mapbox, including the labelMaxWidth on display rules.

  • Offline directions queries not working reliably.


  • The labelMaxWidth display rule property is interpreted as a measure of max allowed characters per line on Mapbox - but remains a measure of max screen points per line on Google Maps.

  • Added podspec dependency on MapKit - no effects for users.

[4.5.1] 2024-06-06


  • The rendered route will now be animated when calling MPDirectionsRenderer/render() if MPDirectionsRenderer/animationDuration is different from 0.

[4.5.0] 2024-05-30


  • Support for Mapbox v11

    • Going forward, the MapsIndoors iOS SDK is distributed in both Mapbox v10 and v11 compatible versions, and the following CocoaPods may be used:

      • pod MapsIndoorsMapbox, '~> 4.5'

      • pod MapsIndoorsMapbox11, '~> 4.5'

      • pod MapsIndoorsGoogleMaps, '~> 4.5'

    • Minimum version of Mapbox is 11.4.0.

    • Added setMapsIndoorsTransitionLevel(zoom: Int) on MPMapConfig for users of the MapsIndoorsMapbox11 pod.

    • No breaking changes on the MapsIndoors interface - however, the move from Mapbox v10 to v11 requires some level of code migration in your application. Refer to Mapbox's migration documentation on the matter.

[4.4.1] 2024-05-30


  • Improved entry point selection when routing between MapsIndoors Venues and the external world.

  • Bug where the floor selector would not function as intended on buildings without a floor index 0.

  • Issue where the MPDirectionsRenderer would not adjust the camera and selected floor, according to the currently selected route leg.

  • Issue with buildingSelectionMode and floorSelectionMode properties on MapControl not being respected.

[4.4.0] 2024-05-27


  • Support for Multi-stop navigation

    • MPDirectionsQuery now has properties stops and stopsPoints, where you may set any number of stop points, your route query should visit between the origin and destination.

    • MPDirectionsQuery also has a new property optimizeRoute, which if true will organize the provided stop points along the route in the most optimal order, in terms of travel time. If false the provided stop points will be visited in the declared order.

    • MPDirectionsRenderer has a new property defaultRouteStopIcon: MPRouteStopIconProvider, which may be overwritten with your own implementation.

    • Added MPRouteStopIconConfig which is a default implemenation of MPRouteStopIconProvider. You may reuse this, and alter some visual aspects: MPRouteStopIconConfig(numbered: Bool, label: String?, color: UIColor), which can show a number within the pin indicating the stop index, or a label underneath the pin, and define the color of the pin.

[4.3.13] 2024-05-14


  • Added Graphic Label support (Mapbox only)


  • Bug where icons with a badge applied (either due to display rule badging or LiveData) would cause the icon to be flipped.

  • Issue with LiveData not working on certain solutions.

[4.3.12] 2024-05-07


  • Issue with wrongfully calculated map viewport, when using a Mapbox view which does not occupy the entire screen space.

  • Issue where the selected building could rapidly change between nil and the actual current building, when moving the camera.

[4.3.11] 2024-05-03


  • Large memory usage on certain customer solutions with 2D models, which was introduced in 4.3.10

  • The route polyline not being completely removed when calling clear() on the MPDirectionsRenderer instance, on Mapbox.

[4.3.10] 2024-04-30


  • Added MPCameraViewFitMode.none option to have the camera not change position, rotation and zoom when rendering a new route.


  • Invalid keys in Privacy Manifest.

  • When using Selective Venue Loading, too much data about buildings would be loaded. Now only the data for buildings in the selected venues is loaded.

  • A number of potential crashes removed.


  • Updated to Google Maps 8.4.0 which in turn raises the minimum required iOS version to iOS 14.

[4.3.9] 2024-04-17


  • Ability to disable the automatic selection of Buildings and/or Floors when moving the map around. Use MPMapControl.buildingSelectionMode and MPMapControl.floorSelectionMode to control the behavior.

  • Ability to toggle rendering of map features on and off. Use MPMapControl.hiddenFeatures to control what should be visible on your map.

  • The MapsIndoors SDK now includes a Privacy Manifest as described by Apple in Upcoming third-party SDK requirements.

  • Each XCFramework in the MapsIndoors SDK is now signed so you can be sure it originates from MapsPeople.


  • The MPSelectionBehavior.zoomToFit is now properly respected.

  • The built-in Floor Selector would sometimes not update to show the correct floor. It does now.


  • Rendering order of 3D Extruded Walls (only Mapbox) has changed slightly so outlines from neighboring rooms do not show through the walls.

  • Updated to Mapbox 10.17.0.

[4.3.8] 2024-03-25


  • Fixed issue with locationsWith(externalIds:) not reliably returning locations.

  • Applying User Roles would not always be respected.


  • Changed tap behavior on rendered map features. Now only visible features are tappable, whereas before invisible geometries could be tapped.

[4.3.7] 2024-03-21


  • Crash in locationsWith(externalIds:) removed.

[4.3.6] 2024-03-20


  • Search with MPQuery now respects all properties again.

  • Plugged a number of major memory leaks.

[4.3.5] 2024-03-07


  • Updated to Mapbox 10.16.4

  • No longer depends on MapboxDirections Cocoapod.


  • Significantly reduced risk of race conditions during SDK load, which would make MapsIndoors appear as not loading at all.

  • An issue where polygon geometries are not clickable under certain circumstances.

[4.3.4] 2024-03-05

Retracted due to build issues. Replaced by 4.3.5.

[4.3.3] 2024-02-23


  • A Location would not be selectable if the icon is not visible.

  • Label behavior on Mapbox when there is no icon, and only a label (the label will center on the anchor point).

[4.3.2] 2024-02-14


  • Issue where some polygons would not render, using Google Maps.

  • The selectable property on locations would not always be respected.


  • locationSettings property on MPLocation, MPType and MPSolutionConfig.

[4.3.1] 2024-02-13


  • Extended zoom for Mapbox is now properly applied.

  • Icons for some map solutions are now crisper.


  • The compass on Mapbox is no longer hidden by the SDK, so the app will have to do that.

  • Selection of locations now behaves as on Android and Web.

[4.3.0] 2024-02-02


  • Due to the introduction of the new selected display rule, there has been a behavior change in the default visualization of selected locations. The old behavior can be re-enabled by MPMapsIndoors.shared.solution?.config.newSelection = false. Or the new selection display rule may be retrieved and altered using MPMapsIndoors.shared.displayRuleFor(displayRuleType: .selection).


  • Two new Display Rule Types: highlight and selected. With these Display Rules it is possible to define how Locations should look when selected or highlighted.

  • The highlight Display Rule contains a number of badge properties that can be used to define the badge that will be shown when using this Display Rule.

  • A new MPHighlightBehavior that determines how the result of applying a highlight should be displayed on the map.

  • setHighlight(filter:behavior:) and setHighlight(locations:behavior:) to highlight Locations on the map, making use of the new highlight Display Rule type.

  • Support for two new types of labels: Text and Flat! (only Mapbox).

  • Added new labelStyle section to Display Rules where you can style (only Mapbox):

    • labelType: Label type displayed on the map, either Text or Flat

    • labelStyleTextSize: Controls the size of the label

    • labelStyleTextColor: Controls the color of the label

    • labelStyleTextOpacity: Controls the opacity of the label

    • labelStyleHaloColor: Controls the color of the halo effect around the label

    • labelStyleHaloWidth: Width of the halo effect around the label

    • labelStyleHaloBlur: Controls the blur effect of the halo effect

    • labelStyleBearing: Only applicable when Flat Label type is selected. Controls bearing of the Flat Label

  • Selective Venue Loading. If your Solution contains many Venues it is now possible to only load a subset of Venues, using e.g. load(apiKey:venueIds:), or changing the set of loaded Venues with venuesToSync, addVenuesToSync(venueIds:) and removeVenuesToSync(venueIds:).

  • It is now possible to programmatically override the Display Rule for floors, buildings and venues, to show them with e.g. a colored polygon.


  • MPDirectionsService.routingWith(query:) no longer returns a nil-route, instead throwing an error.

  • MPMapsIndoors.shared.locationsWith(externalIds:) no longer returns an empty result if called immediately after loading MapsIndoors.

[4.2.14] 2024-01-31


  • Fixed a bug that could lead to either no route or a crash when used from Flutter or React Native.

[4.2.13] 2023-12-19


  • excludeWayTypes added to MPDirectionsQuery. This allows for excluding certain MPHighWay types from a route query, to ensure the way type is not part of the returned route. This differs from avoidWayTypes, which discourages certain way types.


  • Fixed case where the blue dot could be rendered below tiles, on Mapbox.

  • Fixed route start/end marker sizing.

[4.2.12] 2023-12-07


  • Improved directions rendering camera behavior. The map view's safeAreaInsets are now respected when padding is applied, and camera movements are performed.

[4.2.11] 2023-12-06


  • Default logging level is changed to info from error. This does not produce much more logging – it only allows the iOS SDK version to be output on startup.


  • Fixed potential crash when (un)subscribing to Live Data topics.

  • Fixed issue where details about a route using transit did not show.

  • Fixed issue where some icons would be shown too large.

  • MPMapControlDelegate.didTap(coordinate:) is now called with correct latitude and longitude for tapped point.

  • The Directions Renderer no longer shows remains of the previous route leg.

[4.2.10] 2023-11-23


  • Fixed potential race condition, which could result in missing tiles until the floor index is changed.

[4.2.9] 2023-11-22


  • Fixed missing or slow loading 2D models, and improved general performance and stability of 2D models usage (most notably on Google Maps).

  • Fixed issue with missing or simplified route geometry.

  • Fixed potential race condition that would result in a map with MapsIndoors tiles, but otherwise no MapsIndoors content showing.

[4.2.8] 2023-11-10


  • Property mapsIndoorsZoom added to MPMapControl. This exposes the zoom level MapsIndoors is working with to resolve e.g. zoomFrom and zoomTo in Display Rules.

  • Property logLevel added to MPLog to allow changing the amount of logs from MapsIndoors. The default log level has been changed from debug to error resulting in many fewer log messages from MapsIndoors.


  • In rare cases Google Maps would show the default red markers instead of MapsIndoors icons for Locations. This is no longer the case.


  • When Locations with large and small areas are close together MapsIndoors now prioritizes the smaller Location when user tap the map.

  • MapsIndoors XCFrameworks are now built with Xcode 15.

[4.2.7] 2023-10-23


  • Reduced the number of network calls leading to better performance in many cases.

  • MPDirectionsRenderer now works actually fits the route according to fitMode on Google Maps.

  • The default floor selector would sometimes miss detecting a floor change. No more of that.

[4.2.6] 2023-10-09


  • Map rendering with Mapbox is no longer crashing after short usage.

  • LiveData is now always active, even for visibly small areas.

  • Labels and icons no longer risk being shown overlapped on a Mapbox map.

  • 2D and 3D Models are now visible when extruded walls are shown.

  • Routes between MapsIndoors Venues or from outside to inside a Venue can now be generated when using Mapbox.


  • setMapLabelFont now has optional parameters with default values (only usable from Swift).

  • Updated Mapbox version from 10.15.0 to 10.16.1.

[4.2.5] 2023-09-22


  • Ability to render an entire floor geometry (only when data is available).

  • Property showLegLabel to MPDirectionsRenderer.


  • The building outline styling is now controlled by a display rule configurable in the CMS - the default selected building outline has therefore changed from pink-ish to blue. If you have previously made steps to programmatically modify the building outline display rule in your application, your changes are still applied and respected.


  • Issue where some positional LiveData updates would not be reflected, when using the convenient interface enableLiveData(...) on MPMapControl.

  • Crash happening when attempting to query a route with try await MPMapsIndoors.shared.directionsService.routingWith(...) from Swift.

  • Small UI issue where the default floor selector's scoll bar could flash.

  • Issue with north aligned camera movement not always being respected.

[4.2.4] 2023-08-31


  • Set user roles async/await with MPMapsIndoors.shared.apply(userRoles: [MPUserRole])


  • Building selection logic is now run when MapControl is instantiated - previously the camera would need to move to do this initially

  • Positional LiveData POIs are now rendered when their LiveData provided position is inside the viewport, but their original position is outside the viewport

  • Blue dot rendering issue where it would rotate with the camera

  • Map padding issue with Google Maps

  • The optional callback function on enableLiveData(domain: String, listener: ((MPLiveUpdate) -> Void)?) is now invoked when updates of the subscribed domain are received

  • Potentially incorrect routing instruction strings

  • Issue with Google Maps where two or more buildings may be highlighted simultaneously

  • Issue with Google Maps where default marker (red pin) may be shown on POIs

  • Issue with Google Maps where the MPCameraViewFitMode was not always respected

  • Updated Mapbox version from 10.14.0 to 10.15.0

[4.2.2] 2023-08-09


  • Routes between MapsIndoors venues now have descriptions in the currnet language.

  • DisplayRules now supports unlimited zoom levels. The feature will be available in the MapsIndoors CMS soon.

  • MPSelectionBehavior now has the zoomToFit property.


  • Setting the icon property of a DisplayRule now works as expected.

  • Fixed an issue with map items not showing immediately, only when map was moved slightly (Google Maps).

  • Fixed an issue that would cause MapsIndoors tiles to disappear when moving the map (Mapbox Maps).

  • The rendered route is now shown above polygons, e.g. for Locations (Google Maps).

  • Fixed an issue that could cause multiple buildings to have an outline (Google Maps).

  • The button at the end of a rendered route leg is now clickable.

  • 2D Models will no longer be at risk of being obstructed by Location polygons (Mapbox Maps).

  • Corrected rendering of Live Data Occupancy badges.

[4.2.1] 2023-06-29


  • Rendering related crash when using Mapbox

[4.2.0] 2023-06-29


  • Support for 3D models on Mapbox (beta feature)


  • Loading performance improved

  • Loading bug fixed where the SDK would fail to load if any url resource returned >400 http codes

  • Rendering issue with flashing polygons in Mapbox

  • Rendering issue with wrong polygon ordering in Mapbox

  • Building selection logic bug where it was undetermined which building in view was selected - it is now the center most building

  • Improved MapsIndoors POI rendering with Google Maps

  • Improved overall rendering performance with Mapbox

  • Upgraded Mapbox version to 10.14.0

  • Fixed missing “next leg”-behavior when tapping the end marker of a route leg

  • Fixed issue with wrong rendering of badged icons, when using the default LiveData handling

[4.1.4] 2023-06-23


  • Support for external location data sources using register() has been restored.

[4.1.3] 2023-06-07


  • The haloWidth parameter of setMapLabelFont() now renders on Google Maps as well.

  • The polygonStrokeWidth property of a DisplayRule is now being respected.

  • The info window on Google Maps is shown at the correct position.

[4.1.2] 2023-06-01


  • MPMapControlDelegate has been enhanced to enable listening to camera movements.


  • The iconSize property of a DisplayRule is now being respected, so icons show up with the intended size.

  • MPCustomFloorSelector has been rewired, allowing users to personalize the floor selection.

  • Map padding is now available for Mapbox, allowing users to adjust the spacing around the map.

  • The background color and solid color of a rendered route can now be customized.

  • The halo effect on labels is now available for use, enhancing the visual appearance of labels.

  • MPMapControl.setFilter() no longer crashes.

[4.1.1] 2023-05-23


  • The MapsIndoorsMapbox Cocoapod now uses the correct version of Mapbox

[4.1.0] 2023-05-17


  • Mapbox version now 10.13.1 which adds:

    • Extrusions of Walls and Rooms


  • Multi-line label cut-off

  • Marker missing when selecting location

  • Clustering icon size fix

  • Mapbox 10.13.1 fixes some Layers glitching

  • Fixed some known bugs

[4.0.3] 2023-04-21



  • Icons are now respecting zoom levels in Display Rules

  • Labels are now respecting zoom levels in Display Rules inherited from the Location Type

  • MPMapControl.hideFloorSelector now actually hides the floor selector

[4.0.2] 2023-04-13


  • A number of rendering issues have been corrected.

  • An issue that could prevent a route from being correctly created.

[4.0.1] 2023-04-05


  • Fixed crash with Mapbox when panning around the map.

[4.0.0] 2023-03-31

Version 4 of the MapsIndoors SDK has changed significantly compared to version 3. There is a migration guide that describes the changes.


  • Support for new map providers

    • MapsIndoors can now be used with the Mapbox v10 SDK.

  • goTo(entity:)

    • A new method for moving the camera to MapsIndoors locations, this new method goTo() can be used with any class that implements MPEntity, which includes but is not limited to MPLocation, MPFloor, and MPBuilding.

  • Solution Config

    • The SDK now supports the Solution Config.

    • This also introduces the new Main Display Rule, which is bundled into the solution config, along with collision handling and clustering.

  • New Cocoapods

    • The main Cocoapod to use is either MapsIndoorsGoogleMaps or MapsIndoorsMapbox depending on the map engine to use.

      • Both of these Cocoapods are dependent on the MapsIndoors and MapsIndoorsCore Cocoapods and will automatically include them.

      • Most classes in MapsIndoorsCore are public but meant for communication between the core SDK and map platform specific code. These classes are not described in the reference docs. Refrain from using these classes unless you know what you are doing.


  • Initialisation of MapsIndoors

    • The interface to initiate the SDK is improved for smaller and safer implementations.

    • Initialise MapsIndoors with MPMapsIndoors.shared.load(apiKey: "YOUR_MAPSINDOORS_API_KEY")

  • Initialization of MapControl

    • In order to support multiple map engines an MPMapConfig is needed.

    • The MPMapConfig is then used to create a MapControl: let mapControl = MPMapsIndoors.createMapControl(mapConfig: mapConfig).

  • Display Rules

    • Display Rules have been reworked completely.

    • Display Rules are now reference based, thus any changes to a rule are instantaneous.

    • Display Rules can be reset with reset(). This will return the display rule to the state it has in the CMS.

  • The iOS SDK Reference Docs have been modernised and are now available at https://app.mapsindoors.com/mapsindoors/reference/ios/v4-doc/documentation/mapsindoors/

  • Many interface changes. See migration guide for help in migrating from MapsIndoors SDK v3.

  • Minimum iOS version supported is iOS 13.

  • Required Xcode version is Xcode 14.

Last updated

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